Title: Rules On Campaign Finance & Disclosure
Type: Proposed
Citations: 153.00.23-003
Agency: Arkansas Ethics Commission
Publication Date: Aug 18, 2023
Summary: The Arkansas Ethics Commission intends to amend several existing rules related to various aspects of campaign finance, disclosure, conflicts, and other matters. Specifically, the existing rules effected include Rules on Ballot and Legislative Question Committees, Rules on Campaign Finance & Disclosure, Rules on Conflicts, Rules on Display of Campaign Literature on Vehicle of Candidate or Public Official While on State Capitol Grounds (seeking to repeal), Rules on Independent Expenditures, Rules on Local-Option Ballot Question Committees, Rules on Political Committees, and Rules of Practice & Procedure. The proposed amendments align the rules with the legislative changes and will be available for review at the Commission's office and website.
Location: US-AR
Title: Rules On Display Of Campaign Literature On Vehicle Of Candidate Or Public Official On The State Capitol Grounds
Type: Proposed
Citations: 153.00.23-005
Agency: Arkansas Ethics Commission
Publication Date: Aug 18, 2023
Summary: The Arkansas Ethics Commission has issued a proposed rulemaking to repeal existing regulations. The provisions to be repeal include an existing prohibition that stipulates that it is unlawful for a candidate or a public official to display one (1) or more campaign banners, campaign signs, or other campaign literature larger than twelve inches by twelve inches (12” x 12”) on a car, truck, tractor, or other vehicle belonging to the candidate or public official on the State Capitol grounds.
Location: US-AR
Title: Rules on Independent Expeditures
Type: Proposed
Citations: 153.00.23-006
Agency: Arkansas Ethics Commission
Publication Date: Aug 18, 2023
Summary: The Arkansas Ethics Commission has proposed amendments to existing rules concerning independent expenditures. The amendments include lowering the reporting threshold for independent expenditures from $500 to $200, modifying the reporting calendar to mirror the candidate calendar, raising the itemization threshold from $50 to $200, and providing clarity on "Paid for by" language that must appear on printed campaign materials, and removing the concept of "and/or" from the rules.
Location: US-AR
Title: Rules On Political Committees
Type: Proposed
Citations: 153.00.23-008
Agency: Arkansas Ethics Commission
Publication Date: Aug 18, 2023
Summary: The Arkansas Ethics Commission has issued a proposed rule that amends its existing rules on political committees. Changes included an updated definition of the term 'Approved political action committee' to mean any person who does not accept any contribution or cumulative contributions in excess of $10,000 (currently, $5,000) from any person in any calendar year. Other changes include, for example, allowing registration for a political action committee to remain active until the committee requests termination of registration (currently, it must be renewed annually), amending the contribution limits for various people and groups and requiring that when the printed campaign material is a two-sided sign, the “Paid for by” language appear on both sides of the sign.
Location: US-AR
Title: Advisory Opinions; Communication; Definitions And Rules Of Construction; Disclaimers; Opt-out Notices; Recordkeeping; Request For Exemptions; Time
Type: Proposed
Citations: Article 8
Agency: Citizens Clean Elections Commission
Publication Date: Jul 14, 2023
Summary: The Voter's Right to Know Act, Chapter 6.1 of Title 16, Arizona Revised Statutes, was passed by voters and certified on December 5, 2022. It requires the disclosure of campaign funding information and disclaimers on campaign communications. The Citizens Clean Elections Commission is granted enforcement powers, and these proposed rules are part of the Act's implementation. The proposed rules cover definitions, time frames for actions, opt-out notices and related records, protection of original sources, disclaimer requirements for public communications, communication protocols with the Commission, recordkeeping, and a process for advisory opinions. These rules aim to ensure consistency, predictability, compliance, and fair handling of matters before the Commission.
Location: US-AZ
Title: Recall Elections
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02; Section 18531.5
Agency: Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Sep 16, 2022
Summary: This rule updates and amends regulations to recall elections and specifically adds provisions relating to target officers. The target officer’s other controlled committees are not required to file campaign statements pursuant to Regulation 18405(a), however, they may separately be required to file preelection statements pursuant to Section 84200.5 based upon their activity. Contributions to any other controlled committee of the target officer will not incur late contribution reporting requirements pursuant to Section 82036 and 84203 by virtue of the recall measure pertaining to the target officer appearing on the ballot. The rule also addresses target officer committee termination guidelines that include winding down its activities and dissolving committees within 12 months. Any remaining funds shall be treated as surplus funds and shall be expended within 30 days. Relating to advertising, generally, advertisements paid for by a target officer’s primarily formed ballot measure committee to oppose the recall must include the disclosures required for ballot measure advertisements paid for by a committee other than a candidate-controlled committee established for an elective office of the controlling candidate or political party committee. Advertisements paid for by a replacement candidate’s committee for election, that are not subject to Section 84504.6, that both support the candidate and pertain to the recall shall be treated as advertisements for the candidate’s election and not as ballot measure advertisements and will require outlined disclosures. Advertisements pertaining to the recall paid for by a separate ballot measure committee controlled by the replacement candidate will include disclosures required for ballot measure advertisements paid for by a committee other than a candidate-controlled committee established for an elective office of the controlling candidate or political party committee pursuant to Sections 84502 – 84504.3, 84504.7 and 84511 and accompanying regulations. Advertisements paid for by a non-candidate controlled committee primarily formed to support or oppose the recall are also requires to the same disclosures as the previous advertising provisions added in this bill.
Location: US-CA
Title: Statement Of Organization
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02; Section 18410
Agency: Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Sep 16, 2022
Summary: This rule states the guidelines for a statement of organization including information that must be included or else the State Secretary will reject it. One of the outlined provisions state, if the committee has qualified, the name and address of the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located, the names of at least three persons authorized to obtain the financial records from the financial institution where the campaign bank account is maintained, and the account number. If there are less than three persons authorized to obtain the financial records from the financial institution where the bank account is maintained, then all persons that are authorized shall be listed. If the committee is a committee primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election, the name of the candidate or the number, letter, or full title of the ballot measure, the jurisdiction, and whether the committee is formed to support or oppose the candidate or measure. Other political committee focused guidelines are also listed that pertain to elections.
Location: US-CA
Title: Conflict-Of-Interest Codes: Access Services, Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District, Westlands Water District
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02
Agency: Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Sep 23, 2022
Summary: This rule states that at the end of a 45-day comment period, the proposed conflict-of-interest codes will be submitted to the Commission's Executive Director for his review, unless any interested person or his or her authorized representative requests, no later than 15 days prior to the close of the written comment period, a public hearing before the full Commission. If a public hearing is requested, the proposed codes will be submitted to the Commission for review. The Executive Director of the Commission will review the above-referenced conflict-of-interest codes, proposed pursuant to Government Code Section 87300, which designate, pursuant to Government Code Section 87302, employees who must disclose certain investments, interests in real property and income. The Executive Director of the Commission will approve, or revise and approve, or return the proposed codes to the agency for revision and re-submission within 60 days without further notice. Any interested person may present statements, arguments or comments, in writing to the Executive Director of the Commission, relative to review of the proposed conflict-of-interest codes. Any written comments must be received no later than November 7, 2022. If a public hearing is to be held, oral comments may be presented to the Commission at the hearing.
Location: US-CA
Title: Conflict-Of-Interest Codes: Butte County Mosquito, Vector Control District, Mendocino Lake Community College District, Department Of Motor Vehicles
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02
Agency: Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Oct 07, 2022
Summary: This rule states that the Fair Political Practices Commission, pursuant to the authority vested in it by Sections 82011, 87303, and 87304 of the Government Code to review proposed conflict-of-interest codes, will review the proposed/amended conflict-of-interest codes and will be submitted to the Commission's Executive Director for his review, unless any interested person or his or her duly authorized representative requests, no later than 15 days prior to the close of the written comment period, a public hearing before the full Commission. If a public hearing is requested, the proposed code(s) will be submitted to the Commission for review. The Executive Director of the Commission will review the above-referenced conflict-of-interest code(s), proposed pursuant to Government Code Section 87300, which designate, pursuant to Government Code Section 87302, employees who must disclose certain investments, interests in real property and income. The Executive Director of the Commission, upon his or their own motion or at the request of any interested person, will approve, or revise and approve, or return the proposed code(s) to the agency for revision and re submission within 60 days without further notice.
Location: US-CA
Title: Committee Names; Disclosure For Advertisements On Listening Applications That Are Both Audio 3 And Visual; Disclosure On Advertisements In Languages Other Than English; Top Contributor Disclosure For Affiliated Entities; Video And Television Advertisement Disclosure; Website Advertisements And Third-Party Social Media Advertisements
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02; Section 18402
Agency: California Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: May 12, 2023
Summary: The Fair Political Practices Commission in California is proposing to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations in Title 2, Division 6 of the California Code of Regulations. These proposed regulations are in response to changes made to the Political Reform Act by SB 1360 in 2022. The amendments aim to correct cross-references, define "television" to include streaming and connected TV for advertisement disclosures, specify permissible forms of top contributor delineation, and make other necessary changes.
Location: US-CA
Title: Conflict-Of-Interest Code: California State Universities
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02
Agency: California Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: May 12, 2023
Summary: The Fair Political Practices Commission of California is announcing a 45-day comment period for the review of proposed conflict-of-interest codes for the California State Universities. Interested individuals can submit written comments during this period, and a public hearing may be requested before the full Commission. The Executive Director of the Commission will review the proposed code and may approve, revise and approve, or return it to the agency for further revision.
Location: US-CA
Title: Administrative Subpoenas
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02; Section 18361.1
Agency: California Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: May 12, 2023
Summary: The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) in California is proposing to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations under the Political Reform Act. The proposed regulations will be considered at a public hearing after June 15, 2023. The amendments aim to address the procedure for issuing subpoenas by establishing a specific definition of "reasonable efforts to obtain information voluntarily" and imposing a 21-day period before serving an administrative subpoena.
Location: US-CA
Title: Conflict-Of-Interest Codes: Laguna Irrigation District, Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District, Special District Risk Management Authority, Superior California Economic Development District, California Department Of Human Resources, California Statewide Automated Welfare System, East Bay Community Energy Authority
Type: Proposed
Citations: Title 02
Agency: California Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Jun 02, 2023
Summary: The Fair Political Practices Commission is announcing its review of proposed and amended conflict-of-interest codes for various entities, including multi-county organizations and state agencies. The public is invited to provide written comments during a 45-day comment period, which ends on July 17, 2023. The Commission's Executive Director will review the proposed codes and may approve them, revise and approve them, or return them for further revision.
Location: US-CA
Title: Advertising Disclosure
Type: Final
Citations: Title 02; Section 18402
Agency: California Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Jul 28, 2023
Summary: The Fair Political Practices Commission in California has issued a finalized rulemaking that amends regulations in Title 2, Division 6 of the California Code of Regulations. These regulations are in response to changes made to the Political Reform Act by SB 1360 in 2022. The amendments correct cross-references, define "television" to include streaming and connected TV for advertisement disclosures, specify permissible forms of top contributor delineation, and make other necessary changes.
Location: US-CA
Title: Administrative Subpoenas
Type: Final
Citations: Title 02; Section 18361.1
Agency: California Fair Political Practices Commission
Publication Date: Jul 28, 2023
Summary: The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) in California has finalized a rulemaking amending regulations under the Political Reform Act. The amendments address the procedure for issuing subpoenas by establishing a specific definition of "reasonable efforts to obtain information voluntarily" and imposing a 21-day period before serving an administrative subpoena.
Location: US-CA
Type: Notice
Agency: Board of Ethics and Government Accountability
Publication Date: Jul 21, 2023
Summary: On July 10, 2023, the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability, Office of Government Ethics issued an advisory opinion on the use of campaign slogans in relation to the Local Hatch Act. The advisory provides guidance on when and how campaign slogans may implicate the Act. The public is invited to review the advisory opinion and submit comments during a 30-day public-comment period by emailing bega@dc.gov.
Location: US-DC
Title: Civil Penalties; Online Platforms
Type: Proposed
Citations: COMAR 33.13.21
Agency: Board of Elections
Publication Date: Jul 28, 2023
Summary: The Maryland State Board of Elections proposes new regulations and amendments to existing regulations related to online platforms and civil penalties. The proposed regulations define the scope of online platforms, ad networks, and political advertiser purchasers, as well as the responsibilities and penalties for violations by these entities. The regulations specify requirements for providing notice and information when disseminating paid digital communication and establish civil penalties for non-compliance. The proposed action is open for public comment until August 28, 2023.
Location: US-MD
Type: Proposed
Agency: Public Service Commission
Publication Date: Jun 13, 2023
Location: US-MS
Title: Required Debates For Statewide Candidates Participating In The Public Campaign Finance Program
Type: Final
Citations: Part 6221 of Title 9 NYCRR
Agency: Board of Elections
Publication Date: Sep 14, 2022
Summary: This rule states that participating candidates for statewide office are required to take part in at least one debate before each election for which the candidate receives public funds, unless the participating candidate is running unopposed, or no other non-participating candidate qualifies for such a debate. It further outlines the procedures of the debate, such as what organization may host the debate, outlining certain rules and restrictions the broadcasting organization must follow.
Location: US-NY
Title: Amends Manual Interpreting Ors 260.432 - Restrictions On Political Advocacy By Public Employees
Type: Proposed
Citations: 165-013-0030
Agency: Secretary of State
Publication Date: May 01, 2023
Summary: This finalized rulemaking issued by the Oregon Secretary of State extensively amends the existing manual titled 'Restrictions on Political Advocacy by Public Employees'. For example, it prohibits public employees from posting material to an official government social media account that contains certain prohibited political advocacy . This includes “re-tweeting” or sharing a post or news article that contains political advocacy. Posts or shared materials must meet impartiality requirements, even when sharing outside links, articles or materials. Further, it stipulates that a public employee may be acting in their official capacity even during their own personal time or when using personal equipment, when posting prohibited materials to an official agency website or social media account. This activity could constitute a violation of ORS 260.432
Location: US-OR
Title: Amends Manual Interpreting Ors 260.432 - Restrictions On Political Advocacy By Public Employees
Type: Final
Citations: 165-013-0030
Agency: Secretary of State
Publication Date: Aug 01, 2023
Summary: This finalized rulemaking issued by the Oregon Secretary of State extensively amends the existing manual titled 'Restrictions on Political Advocacy by Public Employees'. For example, it prohibits public employees from posting material to an official government social media account that contains certain prohibited political advocacy . This includes “re-tweeting” or sharing a post or news article that contains political advocacy. Posts or shared materials must meet impartiality requirements, even when sharing outside links, articles or materials. Further, it stipulates that a public employee may be acting in their official capacity even during their own personal time or when using personal equipment, when posting prohibited materials to an official agency website or social media account. This activity could constitute a violation of ORS 260.432.
Location: US-OR